Jaydlyn Joan
Jaydlyn Joan has made a name for herself in the world of pyrography with her incredibly detailed pieces of Canadian wildlife. She has become a staple in the pyrography community and is regarded as one of the best pyrography artists in the business; recognized around the world, for her detailed work. She has amassed a large online following and fanbase including famous celebrities and well known artists.

Born and raised in Kimberley BC, and after an 8 year stint (in which she managed to escape small town life and live in Vancouver), Jaydlyn finds herself now in an even smaller Kootenay town than Kimberley: Rossland BC.
Similar to Kimberley with a rich history of mining, Rossland is a small resort town located in the West kootenay's, known for it's impressive ski hill Red Mountain and it's renowned mountain bike trails spanning for kilometers- neither of which Jaydlyn partakes in.
Stuck here out of circumstances, yet again trapped in a small Kootenay town in the middle of nowhere; Rossland has been a silver lining- it's forested mountain hills being the inspiration behind her best pieces to date.
She spends hours in the hills around town, exploring the local ecosystems, avoiding rapidly descending mountain bikers, and connecting with nature. The climate of the West Kootenay's is quite different than the East Kootenay's, with the West being more similar to the Vancouver Coastal cedar forests, and it is much preferred to the dry grass and pine trees of the East Koots.
In winter she avoids the cold at all costs, staying indoors and entering a state or torpor for the season, rarely emerging except to visit the Bakery.
When she isn't burning she enjoys gardening- Growing bouquet style flowers to make arrangements, and waging war with the pocket gophers that continuously outsmart her and eat her flower bulbs. Her favourite flowers to try to grow are Dahlias (the gophers favourites) and gladiolus.
She is an avid collector of rocks, and can always be spotted stooped over finding a new piece for the extensive collection that is slowly overtaking her house.
She is single and unwed by choice, living her best child free spinster life as a 30 something. No pets- not by choice, but unfortunately due to the rental situations here in the Kootenay's. It is too hard to find new rentals with pets, and unfortunately I made the poor choice to complete high school rather than getting in on that early 2000's housing market.
Her goals for the future include ??
But for now she is content making art in this small town,.
Thanks for reading this whole thing, can't believe you actually did.
Your support is appreciated.
How do I buy an Original wildlife piece?
At Random points of the year, original pieces are released through the shop on my website on a first come first serve basis.
Keep up to date with my instagram page for updates on when pieces will be released.
Do you make custom wildlife pieces? can I order a custom piece?
I am not currently accepting commissions or custom orders at this time, and do not often open my books.
I do my best work when operating with artistic freedom, and so my own designs are what I stick to.
Exceptions may be made for collaborations and marketing projects.
Do you offer pet portraits?
Not at this time.
My books are closed for pet portraits indefinitely; Save for rare occasions or special events.
The best way to obtain a pet portrait is actually through local giveaways around the Kootenay's, as I often donate pet portraits as prizes for fundraising events.
Exceptions made for Creator collaborations and/or celebrity dogs
What kind of wood do you use, and where do you source it?
I use locally sourced wood whenever possible, but if not I visit lumber stores around BC and alberta.
My favourite and preferred woods to burn on are: Black cherry, Birch, and Maple
Least favourite- Pine.
Do you teach Pyrography? Can you teach me?
I can barely teach myself.